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How Community Feedback Works

Trusty relies on data science to generate views on packages. While Stacklok stands behind the concept, we recognize that there are going to be times when the data represented (while hopefully accurate) may not tell the whole story.

With that in mind we have introduced the concept of community feedback. Our intent is to allow feedback that is private to a given user or that is public (and hence vetted by Stacklok - at least initially). At launch we are only supporting public feedback.

There are two types of feedback:

  • Comments: General comments about a package, including feedback on its score
  • Provenance: When there is no existing link between a package and a repo, we encourage users to submit a link to the source repository if it is known. After a manual review, the package's score will be updated based on this link.

Please watch this space for updates on our handling and processing of community generated feedback.