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Mixed Scripts Check

The following rule type is available for detecting mixed scripts in pull requests.

stacklok/mixed_scripts_check - Ensure that the pull request does not contain any mixed scripts

For every pull request submitted to a repository, this rule will check if the pull request adds a new change patch that contains mixed scripts.

If it does, the rule will fail and the pull request will be commented on.

This detects and highlights the use of strings with mixed scripts that could potentially hide malicious code.

For more information, see Mixed-Script Detection in the Unicode security mechanisms standard and the USENIX research paper Trojan Source: Invisible Vulnerabilities.


  • pull_request


  • stacklok/mixed_scripts_check

Rule Parameters

The stacklok/mixed_scripts_check rule supports the following parameters:

  • None

Rule Definition Options

The stacklok/mixed_scripts_check rule has the following options:

  • None